Sunday, January 27, 2013

Fat Loss Meatballs

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Here is a super-easy, really quick meatball recipe that is perfect for fat loss, *and* fun even if you really don't like to cook (like me). I like meatballs since they're easy for grab 'n go when you're in a rush. You can top these with pure tomato sauce & melt some shredded mozzarella over top for extra personality, though I love them Plain Jane so I can eat them in the car...


  • 1lb 96% lean ground beef (or preferably grass-fed)

  • 2 whole eggs (I forgot to put those in the picture)

  • 3 tbsp Thyme

  • 2 tbsp minced garlic

  • Handful plain, old-fashioned dry oats

  • Couple tbsp pure guacamole mix (this is optional, so if you don't want to use this, you can replace with a couple tbsp of unsweetened almond milk instead)

  • Few pinches of cayenne pepper, & optional Himalayan salt & black pepper

  • Technique:
  • In a large bowl, mix all ingredients together

  • Shape into circles

  • Bake at 375 degrees for 22-25 mins

  • That's it!!! Let me know what you think!


    1. They look amazing.. I never knew you could buy a guacamole mix. I will try these

    2. Thanks! Yep the mix is so much more convenient, & this brand has all real ingredients! You know I love convenience :)
